Energy Healings

- 1 on 1 HEaling Session- $111

- Series of 3 for $300

- GROUP & family SESSIONS nOW available

(In-person and Remote Energy Healing Sessions Now Available)

What is a Energy Healing?

 A healing session is clearing the chakras, releasing what no longer serves you on an energetic level. Healing and releasing any trauma, negative energy, down to the roots of why we are the way we are. Our beliefs and ancestral genetics that have been passed down, can be healed at a cellular level and down to the DNA.

 The chakras are the power centers that hold all of our energy and things we don’t know how to let go of energetically, things from our past, generationally passed down or from childhood traumas and adult traumas, to so much more.

 So that’s where I come in and clear and balance them and anything that’s preventing you from moving on or forward with your life to the highest version of yourself. It could be trauma when you went through something really bad or someone said something hurtful and you energetically didn’t release it, that could be weighing you down and during a healing session I will be removing anything that is holding you back and keeping you stuck or feeling down. Your body will be released of attachments and flooded with ultimate love, light and happiness! I also place a shield around you for ultimate protection so you can go about your life in a more peaceful and relaxed state but aware, being more in tune with clarity and your senses.

Raising your vibration and removing stuck patterns will attract better experiences and people into your life to finally live the life you’ve always deserved.

Available Healings:

-Golden Glow Healing & Chakra Balancing

Golden Glow Healing is most popular session that I start with for everyone to attune to the highest frequencies. This is the ultimate healing on a cellular level to really set you up for success to remove all the things stuck on a deep level that are holding you back. Could you imagine the weight being lifted off of your shoulders and you now have room for more love and light?


-Self Love Healing to love yourself and others more. Unconditional Love Healing is to feel the highest form of divine unconditional love from Mother Earth and the Universe on a completely different level that awakens you to love more in life, whether that be yourself, your loved ones, your life or the planet. It will activate your true essence of what you really are and where you really came from, love. This heals across all time and space to heal past, ancestrally, as well as to help you with your future.


-Ancestral Healing and Genetic Healing

Total Forgiveness Healing will bring complete forgiveness to you on all different levels of life and past lives. This healing can heal addictions in family’s that have been brought down from generations and other dysfunctional dynamics in all areas. When you forgive yourself you also forgive others and when you clear energy of unforgiven patterns and behaviors you allow more room for unconditional love and light.


-Activations for upgrades and downloads for the body to house more information and awaken your senses of your own gifts and go deeper on your spiritual journey to love, heal and grow. I elevate your own energetic body so it can handle more information, not be affected by negative around you and making you more functional on the energetic level. The potency for this healing is on the DNA and cellular level for healing faster and deeper.


-Physical and Energetic Body Healing has to do with health. Helps with different functions in the body and each organ and how the entire body is supposed to operate optimally.


-Belief System and Higher Self Upgrade Healing. This healing intention is to heal all pain, all trauma, all limiting beliefs, all memories that don’t serve us. We don’t have to remember them. Assists you in resetting the energetic timeline and clearing all blocks and limiting beliefs.

• Assist in resetting disempowering emotions, and things that are in your reality, from childhood till now that don’t serve you.

•You can choose a specific area you are working on.

•That they be removed and reset, and afterwards to help facilitate bringing forth the energy, merging the version of you that has already figured it out and pull that into your energetic system now (higher self)


-Karma Healing is already clearing any karma that’s ready to be released at the specific moment in time – for the past, present and future.

I will clear all the karmic ties or karma or karmic energy that no longer belongs in your life, for the highest good, that is ready to be released. Whatever is stopping you from moving forward that may be karma from the past, present, or future. Across all space and time.

•Session 1: Karma stopping you right now.

•Session 2: Take it further, but to clear all

generational trauma or blocks.

•Session 3: You can work on generational blocks on specific topics (abundance blocks

for example).

When accessing the Karmic Healing, you can release everything now, in this lifetime, event based, person based, or blockage based.